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Mario Lopez Needs Surgery After Brutal Injury

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Mario Lopez must be in a lot of pain after a recent injury sustained while boxing.

On July 4, 2018, Lopez took to Twitter to reveal that he'd gotten seriously hurt while sparring — and the injury landed him in the emergency room! Posting a photo of himself giving a thumbs down while in a hospital bed, Lopez shared that he'd torn his Achilles tendon. In the caption, he wrote, "Celebrating the 4th in the E.R... Tore my achilles sparring. So frustrated. No boxing or jiujitsu for a while."

He mused, "Maybe God's telling me to slow down." Still, the TV personality looked on the bright side, noting that he was about to "get hooked up with some good pain meds tho."

According to Wonderwall, Lopez shared in his Instagram Story that an MRI indicated that he had completely torn his Achilles. He described his injury as "about as bad as it gets."

To treat the injury, the Extra host must have surgery, as he told his 1.49 million Twitter followers. "So I have to have major surgery tomorrow for my Achilles tendon," he announced in a video of himself with hospital staff on Thursday, July 5. In the tweet, he added, "Talk about a monkey wrench! I don't do well just laying around... #PrayersUp."

We hope the former Saved By the Bell actor's surgery goes well and that he has a quick recovery!
